This resource provides you with 10 human-centred activities that you can use to improve the service you offer.

The activities will help you to empathise with your patients.

Empathising with them will help you to better understand their world and how they experience your service.

Once you have this understanding, you can take action to make improvements and offer a better service.

When you understand your patients' needs, goals, challenges and expectations, you have the power to make impactful improvements to your service.

Our team of human-centred design practitioners have been using these human-centred design activities to create impactful change across a range of industries.

We are passionate about the work that you do as a healthcare worker and want to help you to improve your impact.

These activities were not created overnight. Our team has experimented with a number of strategies to create better experiences. We believe these activities will add the most value to your service.

What's included?

A two page PDF with 10x actionable human-centred activities (with instructions) that you can apply to your healthcare service.

You will get the following activities:

  1. Rapid brainstorm
  2. Observation
  3. Patient interviews
  4. Patient journey map
  5. Employee interviews
  6. Patient prompt
  7. Patient persona
  8. Patient survey
  9. Mindset shift
  10. Future desired state

Who is it for?

Those that imagine how healthcare should be.

  • Public, private and not-for-profit healthcare services
  • Healthcare education and training teams
  • Healthcare technology and systems teams
  • Healthcare support groups
  • Healthcare improvement and project teams
  • Businesses and consultants that support the healthcare industry to be better

Ready to invest in the power of human-centred design for your patients?

About the Author

Kim Tuohy

A down-to-earth chick with a passion for creating learning that inspires, and a passion for supporting and developing others.

Hannah Grennan

Human-centred Design Practitioner

An energetic and passionate practitioner, who ‘fan girls’ over human-centred design and has a strong desire to support others to achieve success through the approach.


  • How detailed are the activity instructions?

    The activity instructions are brief and simple to follow. We have used our magical instructional design powers to simplify the complex for you.

  • How long do the activities take?

    The time to undertake activities ranges from 5 minutes to 2.5 hours.

  • Do you have to be a qualified human-centred design practitioner to successfully conduct the activities?

    Nope! The instructions will help you conduct them successfully and have an impact.

  • What if we cannot gain access to our patients/employees?

    That’s ok. There are alternative approaches. For example, activities can be based on known knowledge, allowing you to empathise to a certain extent without jumping in and solving problems/creating change without considering them at all.

'It is about them and for them. The closer the end-users’ needs are analyzed and answered, the more successful the adoption or purchase of a solution. You iterate until you get it right from a customer perspective. This is the power of HCD.'

Olivier Delarue, UNHCR.

Parater, L., 2021. 10 quotes that will spark your design thinking - UNHCR Innovation. [online] UNHCR Innovation. Available at: <> [Accessed 23 August 2021].