This will be the toolkit for the rest of your career.

This playbook will enable you to use the principles of Human-centred Design to create effective learning experiences and solve business problems.

From our perspective, placing a strong focus on your user (i.e. your learner) is no longer optional.

Products and solutions that are successful put their users at the heart of their design process. When you have a deep understanding of your users, you can better understand the problem that you are solving and in turn create a solution that makes a difference.

“Love getting practical info that just makes the light bulb in my head light up!”


“I can’t even begin to explain the value that HCD has added to me! I would not be where I am as an instructional designer without it! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼”


“Simple, easy to follow and all in one place. So excited to apply this! 🤩”


What challenges will it help you overcome?

  • Design solutions that create high return on investment. 
  • Confidently know your worth and how you contribute to better results.
  • Master all that goes into creating better learning solutions immediately without spending the time to research blogs, books and videos.
  • Influence stakeholders and get their buy-in through effective communication, which demonstrates the value of your work and your solution.
  • Launch a solution that is contextual to the needs of your learners and your organisation/customer.
  • Launch a solution that makes a difference, changes behaviour and matches or exceeds expectations.

What's included?

A 72 page Human-centred Design playbook (in an easy to edit PowerPoint format) for instructional designers and learning and development practitioners featuring:

  • The Human-centred Design step-by-step approach that we are known for and use so that you can apply it to your projects.

  • 13 ready to complete templates for individual or workshop use.

  • 6 preparation guides to help you prepare for activities and workshops.

  • 1 script template to help you communicate why a Human-centred Design approach to an initiative is important.

  • An example of each of the above to clarify expectations of the steps you need to take in order to deliver an effective solution.

This Playbook has an expansion pack in the form of a course.

It includes role plays and contextual videos. It's AUD $389.

Once we started putting our users at the heart of our design, we realised that we were gaining a better understanding of the problems that we were solving.

This meant that we were focusing on solving the right problems, which was a game changer when it came to meeting business goals and improving employee performance.

Our team knows that Human-centred Design works and this is why we use the approach for our projects.

We are inspired to share this approach with others in the industry, so that you too can experience the results that we do and ultimately meet your project goals.

Who is it for?

Instructional designers and learning and development practitioners who want to:

    • Move from taking orders to leading strategy and performance driven initiatives.

    • Create solutions that meet the needs of their users and in turn solve business problems. 

    • Compliment their existing skills and take them to the next level with this highly desirable and results driven skillset. 

    • Create solutions that engage, impact and change the behaviours of the users they are designing for.

5 star rating

From an Aspiring ID

Santhapiya Bhikkhu

Thank you friends for sharing some of your insights into a learner-oriented approach to instructional design.

Thank you friends for sharing some of your insights into a learner-oriented approach to instructional design.

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About the Authors

Kim Tuohy

A down-to-earth chick with a passion for creating learning that inspires, and a passion for supporting and developing others.

Hannah Grennan

An energetic and passionate learning designer, who 'fan girls' over human-centred design and has a strong desire to support others in the industry.

This playbook has been designed by the founder of Belvista Studios, Kim Tuohy, in partnership with Hannah Grennan, a learning experience designer (with a background in Psychology, as well as an interest in humans and how we design for them). 

Kim has a strong interest in human-centred design and has been researching the approach, presented to others in the industry on how to apply it and ultimately has incorporated it into the processes used at Belvista Studios. 

Kim is inspired to share her knowledge and experience of using human-centred design and feels confident that it will add value to others in the industry.

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  • What if I cannot gain access to my users?

    That’s ok. Activities can be based on assumptions and research, allowing you to empathise to a certain extent without jumping in and designing something for them without considering them at all.

  • Are there any types of projects where Human-centred Design does not add value?

    We haven’t come across any yet.

  • Can I connect with your team for further support and coaching throughout this process?

    You can invest in coaching with us if you like. There will also be a discussion function once you have purchased the playbook. You may want to take advantage of the many other ways you can interact with us, such as Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn.

“We spend a lot of time designing the bridge but not enough time thinking about the people who are crossing it.”

Dr. Prabhjot Singh, Director of Systems Design at the Earth Institute