Do you want to change behaviour and achieve business goals by identifying the true problem that exists?

Problems such as:

  • poor employee satisfaction, morale and performance
  • broken systems and processes
  • tasks, projects and initiatives that do not deliver on their goal, go over budget or take longer than planned.

It does not have to be this way.

We understand that you may:

  • have time and/or money constraints.

  • be expected to do more with less.

  • be too busy to innovate and improve.

  • not know what it is like to be in an employee’s situation.

  • not be aware of what is working and/or not working.

  • not know what support is available to support your employees to the best of your ability.

  • work in silos and lack communication between teams and strategic partners.

We get it. Every industry and service we have worked with has similar problems.

What if you could:

  • prevent problems from happening or existing?
  • move from a reactive place to a proactive place?
  • cross-pollinate ideas and insights to improve the unspoken or unknown?
  • reveal the obvious that is being overlooked?
  • view the problem differently, identifying problems and solutions faster and better, using real employee data?

We believe and have experienced that through putting your employees at the heart of your solution, you will meet business goals and improve employee experience and performance.

A human-centred approach is the key to this.

Human-centred design puts your employees at the heart of the solution.

It is an approach to problem solving that develops solutions by involving the human perspective in all steps.

It enables you to:

  • Identify the true problem that exists.

  • Understand the current context from all perspectives.

  • Implement improvements that close the gap between where you currently are and where you want to be.

“Kim and her wonderful team delivered a service far superior to any competition. This included a session facilitated by Kim discovering with our stakeholders what was critical to the program, the messages we wanted and the practicalities for every business unit. What we got back was an engaging, colourful, fun and informative induction. We will continue to use Belvista Studios and cannot recommend them too highly to anyone wanting a responsive and thorough studio.”

A happy client

“Working with Belvista Studios was really easy. They were able to take a complex topic like Unconscious Bias and turn it into an engaging and relevant training that the staff are talking about. We would be happy to work with Belvista Studios again.”

A happy client

“This was one of the BEST presented courses I have ever had to do! It was most certainly informative. I understand completely (the learning objectives). The presentation was FUN, which kept me engaged and it was not too long (Loved the Fun Police bit). I also found it very respectful. Congratulations, you have done an amazing job.”

A happy learner

Our process enables you to better empathise and connect with your employees and in turn, understand their context and needs, creating a solution that improves the problems you face (known and unknown).

We will guide you through our highly effective human-centred design process to discover practical strategies, relevant to your specific context, which will make a positive difference to the problem you wish to solve.

The process will produce a customised insight report with practical actions (immediate, medium-term and long term) to support your success. 

The insights will also enable our team to create a customised 20 minute eLearning solution with supporting resources, to encourage behaviour change in your employees and support you to meet your goals.

The process

Our team will assess where you are, help you identify where you want to be and show you how to get there through the following process.

What can I expect from the insight report?

As we work with you to assess your current context and help you identify where you want to be, we will reveal strategies to close the gap.

Strategies will encompass the lens of:

  • Skills

    For example, capability, training and effectively undertaking a task.

  • Knowledge

    For example, awareness of and access to relevant information.

  • Motivation

    For example, morale, leadership and purpose.

  • Environment

    For example, culture, systems, technology and processes.

Your customised report will recommend practical strategies for you to implement and guide your next steps for each of the lenses.

“I was impressed with the quality and accuracy of the final product. The ease of working with them to deliver the final solution and level of service was outstanding. I highly recommend them on the back of the excellent service experience, quality of output and value for money.”

A happy client

“Thanks very much for your work in delivering the training package we really appreciate the results. Everyone involved in the evaluation has commented on the professionalism of your team and the quality of the product developed for us.”

Subject matter expert feedback on a change initiative

“You have amazing content! These are some of the best videos I have seen for instructional design. If you believe in a human-centred approach, this gang have the best resources. Their YouTube series is the best. Thank you for sharing such valuable content. I really appreciate all the great work your team are doing.”

A learner sharing the value they have received from our free development opportunities that we put out for the L&D industry

Why continue to settle for the status quo?

What is worse? Doing things the way you have always done them or for a similar effort, applying a proven process to solve the true problem you face? The power to decide is within your influence.

Who is it for?

Those who want to:

  • Create solutions that meet the needs of their people and in turn solve business problems.
  • Incorporate a human-centred design approach.
  • Create solutions that engage, impact and change the behaviours of the people they are designing for. 

What is included?

  • 1 x discovery workshop with your stakeholders, virtually conducted by our human-centred design practitioners. 
  • 5 x employee interviews, virtually conducted by our human-centred design practitioners.  
  • Up to 3 x user personas (These answer the question, “Who are we serving?”.).
  • 1 x brainstorming session with your team, virtually conducted by our human-centred design practitioners. 
  • 1 x customised report that shares how you might improve the problem, with recommended and actionable strategies (immediate, medium-term and long-term) to guide your next steps.
  • 2 hours of coaching to be used as you wish within 3 months of starting the process. This time will be customised to your needs. For example, we can answer any questions you have, bounce ideas with you, support you with your project and help you adopt the human-centred design approach.
  • 1 x learning solution that includes 20 minutes of learning in the form of eLearning as well as supporting resources.

From our perspective, placing a strong focus on your employees is no longer optional.

Better empathise with your employee's journey.

This case study is an example of empathising with employees by putting them at the heart of problem solving to improve their experience. 

Our client's induction wasn't having the impact they wanted.

Corporate inductions can make or break an employee’s experience with an organisation (6Q Blog, 2017) and the last thing you want to do is de-motivate, isolate or overwhelm an enthusiastic new employee.  

Through an internal assessment the client made the following discovery. The induction program:

  • was not consistent
  • was not delivered in a cost-effective way
  • often had unavailable presenters.

A human-centred design approach was used to identify business goals, hold workshops, interview stakeholders, observe the tasks in action and get to know what needed to be trained. 

These tools and processes were used in order to gain a deep understanding of the end-users, the client context and most importantly the problem that was being solved. 

Instead of converting their existing program to eLearning, we brainstormed ideas that would meet the needs of the new employees and support them to settle in. Emphasis was put into creating opportunities that would help them do things in the real world. 

This is what we came up with:

  • Encourage new starters to have interactions with their team members to support them in building relationships.
  • Encourage new starters to organise a meeting with their supervisor to obtain clarification on their role description.
  • Gather real examples of the client’s values in action so new starters understand how to demonstrate the values in the real world. 
  • Ask existing team members what advice they would give to new starters to provide them with personal tips to flourish in their first 6 months. 
  • Provide new starters with a raw and authentic insight into the personalities behind the leaders to build a human connection between them and leadership.
  • Teach new starters how to access information such as guidelines and policies from the intranet so that they can access them at a time that is relevant and of need to them.


  • What if we want to do more than what is mentioned on this page (e.g. conduct more workshops, user interviews, or add in user observations)?

    That's great! Let us know and we can customise your investment to suit your needs. Email [email protected].

  • What if we cannot gain access to our employees?

    That’s ok. There are alternative approaches. For example, activities can be based on known knowledge, allowing you to empathise to a certain extent without jumping in and solving problems/creating change without considering them at all.

  • What level of detail can I expect from the report?

    Your customised report will recommend practical strategies for you to implement and guide your next steps. For example, invite the marketing team to future project initiation meetings (immediate), create a poster that lists open questions employees can ask their customers (medium-term) and run a culture change initiative (long-term). Our team can bring a solution/s to life as a separate project.

  • Can you do in-person workshops?

    Yep. You will need to cover the costs for any travel such as flights, accomodation, parking and commute time where we are required to travel outside of South East Queensland, Australia.

  • How will the eLearning reviews work?

    The schedule for your reviews will be selected to suit your availability. Generally our clients allow between 2-3 business days for each review period to allow for competing priorities. Each review takes up to 5 hours.

  • How long will the eLearning solution take to create?

    The eLearning solution will take 4 weeks for our team to create. You decide how long you would like to allow for each review period (e.g. 2 business days) and this time will be added to the 4 weeks. Our team will send you a project schedule at the beginning of the process, which will indicate the project milestones and your review dates.

  • Can we keep the eLearning development file?

    Yep! Our team uses Articulate Storyline and Articulate Rise to develop our solutions. We will hand over the final development file at the end of the project.

  • What is the investment?

    AUD$30,000 exc. GST.

  • What are your payment terms?

    We accept credit card or direct deposit. You will be required to pay 50% upfront and 50% upon delivery of the report. When you click "Start the process now", you will be given the next steps to process payments.

Free 30 minute consultation

Are you thinking to yourself, "This is exactly what we need but I have a few questions first."?